Cloud Computing and Its Advantages
Onat Oz
Last updated
Onat Oz
Last updated
Cloud computing is used to store information on the internet, processing data and to provide various services. This technology provides a shared computing environment so that every user can access to high performance hardware that are in cloud servers via internet, without being restricted to weaker hardware in their system.
Cloud computing uses a fast and flexible infrastructure so that the user can use high performance hardware to relatively low prices. With the help of this technology, users can use remote servers in order to make some computations or store data, instead of their own servers.
Cloud computing has variety of service models some of which are infrastructure(IaaS- Infrastructure as a service), platform(PaaS-Platform as a service) and software(SaaS-Software as a service).
Iaas provides virtual servers, storage and network resources to its users.
PaaS provides platform and software tools for software development and distribution.
SaaS provides application software to its users.
Cloud computing has a lot of advantages especially for businesses. To give an example, instead of investing in expensive hardware, a business may buy scalable cloud services to satisfy its needs. This allows businesses to have cheaper investments and lower inventory price. Continuing, cloud computing can also provide support for remote work models in case the business decides to switch to remote work model.
As a result, cloud computing can be used for storing and processing data, providing IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc. As can be seen here, it has a lot of benefits to both individuals and businesses and also it will have a wider range of applications in the near future.
Why cloud computing systems are more secure than traditional systems?
Here are some possible reasons for it:
Security software:
Cloud computing service providers, use variety of industry standard software to protect their customers. These software provide protection for known vulnerabilities and also include defenses for online threats.
Data backup:
Cloud computing authorities use high standards to store their customers’ data . In case of a data loss possibility, they provide backup service so that their users’ data is protected in a reliable way.
Physical security:
Cloud computing providers make sure that they satisfy the required physical security defenses some of which are access control, security cameras, fire systems etc.
Working with cybersecurity specialists:
Cloud computing providers work with industry professionals to make their system even more secure. These professionals create effective protocols for customer data security and keep this protocols up to date.
Cloud services are always updated regularly. These patches provide support for both additional defenses for future threats and current vulnerabilities.